hey! bet you haven't read enough posts about new year's resolutions yet, have you?

Pictured above are my 2012 resolutions. Eight less-than-lofty plans I had 365 days to knock out. Not pictured are the additional 11 goals I planned to conquer over the course of this nearly complete year. There's just over six hours left of the years, so I suppose I should get moving on these, huh?
You'll note I put 'complete the Harry Potter series' at the top of the list (psst - I work at a bookstore and have never finished this series because oh, Book 4, yawn...)(NO spoilers!)(as if I don't already know). This list, thankfully, was by no means written in order of importance, but might indicate why I perhaps also failed at resolution 9, which was 'forge/strengthen friendships.' Maybe I should have resolved to form a Harry Potter book club and killed two birds with one stone.
(But wait! Read a minimum of 40 books. I read 41!! What's that? Harry Potter included? Oh...)
Other things I failed to achieve in 2012 include baking my own bread (so it's weird I didn't lose ::cough cough:: pounds...), getting a trainer (or perhaps it's not so weird after all), stressing less over my oldest son's homework, working on the boys' baby books, and starting yoga.
I also failed to get more and better s...leep (almost tricked ya, didn't I?) and tracking both my eating and my spending. I am so sucky at goals!
But wait! Resolution #6 says 'spend less time negative talking about myself' so I shan't! Shan't, I say! Mostly because I don't say 'shan't' enough, but mostly because at this particular moment, with the year ticking away, I'm proclaiming a small victory.
Victory, you amazing bread buying, high strung, poor sleeping, Harry Potter Books 4-7 needing to read, broke ass mess of me!
Quick sidebar, though. This year sucked. I would like to leave it all behind, but some of the sucky things just came up last week and will carry over into 2013, so I am resolving to deal with them.
AND those damn Harry Potter books.
I hope you don't have sucky things marching into the new year with you, but if so, trust I will learn to bake bread and when I do, we can break it together and talk about things. Because we're friends.
Now, let's call it a year, shall we?
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