'get the boys together get a ball get a run(s)'

Seriously, next to puppies laying on their backs atop clouds so tiny babies with halos can scratch their furry bellies, little semi-coordinated kids playing basketball is probably THE most adorable thing on the planet.
(but just slightly ahead of meerkats. because meerkats? ADORABLE!) (actually, look at that link, and when you see that ragtag group of meerkats, what you're also seeing is a rather accurate depiction of how my son's basketball team looks when they take the court - there's always a bunch of gawking around and often there are too many players out)(also, I have polled the boys on his team, and the majority of them know how to spell meerkat, a little something I can't say for the bulk of the Internets).
Anyway, the photo up there is part of a story my son wrote about his new experience. After you've marveled at my youngest child's excellent penmanship (which in no way can be confused with my oldest child's), you might notice the game really went to pot. In fact, let's just say things got kind of bound up under the net, and then the other team had a couple of runs of really good luck and began to regularly dump the ball in the hoop. It was quite a streak! By the third quarter, things were starting to look really crappy, and by the end of the second half, the whole game was in the toilet. Ah, the agony of defeces!
(Seth says "You're welcome, bitches!")(I, on the other hand, would never call any of you bitches, and you'll be happy to know Seth is grounded)
Labels: get your head in the game
Soccer is like that when they're little too. It's just a cloud of kids following the ball. It's great to watch.
Take it easy on Seth. He's my homie.
Bwahahahaha defeces.
I'll be Seth's bitch any day.
And, I affectionately call children's soccer 'bunchie ball' - that's all they do, bunch around the ball. LOL - same could go for basketball.
I love that he said he doesn't play "real" basketball games. He's a smart one!
Enjoy it while you can. By fourth grade, there's always one ball hog and it becomes the "Jimmy Show."
This is truly one of the better poop posts I've seen on the internet. And Seth rocks!
I love watching little kids play sports. My goddaughter is on a soccer team and that's precious. They all gather around the ball, except for a few (goddaughter included) who would rather pick dandelions and gaze off into space, contemplating their future. Now that's a sight to see.
And I love meerkats.
that's exactly what hockey is like at this age too. i love it!
defeces. That really sounds messy.
I miss watching kids play sports. I use to love watching Abbie make dirt pies on 3rd base or tip toe around the base when the ball would go flying by her. Or Adam when he'd play flag football and run the wrong way. Those are the best of times.
Now I gotta ask, why oh why is Seth grounded?
Defeces does sound agonizing!
But the little guys playing basketball? That is a sight, a good sight, to behold!
Wow. . . At our kids' school, basketball starts in 5th grade (but if there aren't enough 5th graders, they'll drop down to let 4th graders play on the 5th grade team).
I have a 6-year-old son (OK, six-and-a-HALF), and mostly, he can't, with all his might, toss the ball up in the air as high as the basket. So yeah, that would be a pretty boring thing to watch, adorable as it might be. . .
And I can't believe you said 'defeces'. . . (even if you blame it on Seth, that was just. . . bad). . .
But! But! Wait! I say 'defeces' because that's how the last line of my son's little story reads -
"We are lerning (sic) onfeces (sic)(also? sick!) and defeces (sic)(sicker yet!)"
Basically my kid made Seth make me write this post and go for the toilet humor.
I'm not sure which is the scarier thought: ONfeces or DEfeces. Either way, I'd be smelling the 'foul' from the sidelines.
I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself. And meerkats rock.
Chas - High five!
I can't believe I missed using that as an excellent play on words!
Is defeces French meaning "of poop"?
I love it. Kids sports are great to watch and listen to them talking about it.
Great post
Yeah, don't ground Seth. You know he's only going to smoke pot in the bathroom and leave signs of great unpleasantness in the sink.
High five, Seth! Defeces is CLASSIC!
Onfeces and defeces - my first grader would heartily concur!
And then go beat his head against the wall - literally - because he's a perfectionist who can't handle spelling something wrong.
I ::heart:: Seth. Would he like to go to the Maid-Rite with me after we finish our homework?
Young kids and sports ALWAYS turns into what I termed "feeding time for chickens".
I mean, you toss a ball around, and EVERY kid out there is going to be around it.
Well, except for the one that's crying and has the snot running only THIS FAR from the ground.
Reminds me of when I'd feed the chickens, and they'd all be pushing and shoving for the feed.
Loved the post!
Basketball playing meerkats? What an amazing picture that conjures up!
You seriously must frame that! Hilarious!
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Now I get it! Gotta connect the picture with the words. . .
And now I understand the true hilarity (and Seth-ness) of the situation. . .
Awesome. I hope he sticks with it. Mine is 15 and it's SO much fun watching them, still. Although they score a whole lot more and there isn't a lot of standing around looking cute.
I think not playing "real" basketball and defeces go hand in dirty little uncoordinated hand.
And meerkats?? Awesome.
Love watching little ones play; similar to all the years (and years) (and years) of soccer, which was all four of our gang's chosen sport.
One big multi-legged creature following the ball around. Wonderful times!
(Of course, it's even more wonderfuller to be done with that, lol)
I was at the zoo once when they'd just had baby meerkats...OMG! I could have spent the whole day right there. The cutest thing I have EVER seen!
And once he get's his onfeces & defeces in order, you're right he has awesome penmanship.
I love meerkats. AND i love little kids playing any sport. Nothing cuter.
I bet meerkats know a bunch about onfeces and defeces. I hear they're a poopy bunch. Which is even more endearing, b/c I've got a poopy bunch of my own!
I don't know. I just comment here.
Okay, don't you wonder what the teacher did when she read it? Do you think she ran to the other teachers and said "OMG he just wrote defeces!" because teachers are peoples too you know. ;o)
Your son's game sounds like the last couple NBA games I saw on TV.
Aww, I can't wait for sports to start! Right now team sports in our house are more Lord Of The Flies-esque than the team you rah rah stuff. And Seth has some mad writing skills! Just like his mama.
So...you get mad lovin' WHILE using the Ped Egg? Cuz that's what I said. I specifically said any gal caught USING the Ped Egg wouldn't get some. I never said that a gal that USES one wouldn't get lucky!!
Hallie :)
it always turns to toilet humor, huh? you potty mouths you!
How fun! I totally want to come see that!
I hope my daughter wants to play group sports because my son is totally uninterested. I don't want to miss out on the adorable little kids creating chaos!
Perhaps the league offices can work out a trade, where my 5-year old is traded from his ragtag team to your son's ragtag team. And they can work their magic together. Wandering randomly around the court like meerkats.
But if I get tricked into coaching the team, the deal is off. I've discovered that trying to teach 5-year old kids onfeces and defeces is a losing battle.
I think the only thing cuter than 6 & 7 year olds playing basketball has to be 6 & 7 year olds playing ice hockey. Which my dear boy will start taking lessons for next week. I am horrified and excited at the same time. Look for some great pictures and stories to come!
"on feces" LOL
sooo cute!
Aww. he's a sportswriter!
I was waiting for it, and you didn't disappoint!
Seven-year-old girls running away from the ball and doing cartwheels on the soccer field is pretty damn cute, too.
I'm still alive.... (to be continued)
My hubby loves Meerkats. We have a few clay ones dotted here and there around the garden. Hubby one day found himself in possession of a bag of potters clay, and moulded himself a few Meerkats. They turned out surprisingly well, since he had no moulds or even pictures to go by.
Little ones playing their first few games of basketball (or anything else) are so cute. I used to enjoy watching 3 year-olds at their first ballet lessons.
I've seen the old guys at my gym play basketball - there's a whole lot of standing around and confusion going on there too.
My mom was a first grade teacher and brought home the best writings from the kids. They are soooo cute. And the basketball? All I can say is, I can't wait. The cuteness has to be unbearable.
And about the meerkat thing. I can't help but feel compelled to clarify here that I, MereCat, am not a meerkat imposter, but a Mere Catherine. Look that up. In a French dictionary.
You know I think you rock. I just couldn't resist the opportunity to do a little razzing.
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