torture. torture dipped in chocolate with a layer of delicious creamy peanut butter

This is my view while doing push ups and grabbing weights.
No pain, no gain.
Blah, blah, blah...
Labels: I've burned fewer calories than contained in one of those baskets
I'd type more, but my hands are sticky from my cadbury creme eggs.
Torture! Good for you though, for doing the pushups :)
Need me to spot you or perhaps get you a pint of ice cream?
Zombies, weights, and pushups.
I'm beginning to feel some jealousy. Yes, yes I am.
Sorta like the guy who hooked his stationary bike to a generator to make enough power to watch the TV?
How many pushups (an' I'm not talkin' 'bout undergarments here; just sayin') get you a Resse's egg?
How are you even doing it with that in front of you? I have no willpower or self-control, unfortunately.
That basket probably weighs 8 pounds. Just sayin'.
Every ten reps equals two bites of chocolate. Scientific fact. According to dr science.
How have you been? I'm in the same boat... lost 25 pounds but it's taken forever.
Been a long time, friend ;)
I hope to God you aren't voting oBOMBma in 2 dayzzz like a zombie; oBOMBa shall take our already fallen nation to where she doesn't wanna go: whorizontal abortion and homoism like it doesn't matter to the Being whom we all must answer to someday soon. un#@!!believable how we still have undecided voters. Precisely why there are 2 realms after our demise... and 1 of 'em ain't too cool. VOTE ROMNEY! YOU WON'T BE SORRY!! God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL
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