the answer is yes...

Labels: What if I say I'm not just another of your plays. You're the pretender.
silent surburban girl releasing her voice, not yet knowing what all she wants to say about her life and the things that make it spin. do you have to be 18 to be here? you'll know when i know.
Labels: What if I say I'm not just another of your plays. You're the pretender.
Labels: thank you for a funky time...
Labels: Damn right I'll have my cake and eat it too. Or smear it on my body. Whatever.
In the midst of winding down another school night this week, I decided that, rather than allow my kindergartner to complete his zombie transformation by watching yet another episode of SpongeBob Squarepants, we should do something to reinforce the lessons he's been collecting during his first month of school.
Labels: I'm gonna put her in the backseat and drive her to Tennessee
Me (still rock, baby!), who barely survived Monday and is a smidge fearful for what Tuesday brings...
Labels: Hey Ann? I forgive you for dueting on "Almost Paradise", just so you know
Yeah! Packages arrived Thursday. Welcome home from work, FADKOG!
So this pretty much describes my weekend in a nutshell...
Sincerely, thanks to all of you who pass through here daily and leave comments and banter back and forth with me when I have something new to say. I do hope there are a few nuggets in here that entertain you. You've all certainly entertained and charmed me, in many varied ways. That you've put up with me is most gracious. Thank you for giving me this year.
So let's say you woke up today and you're all "Dang! It's a perfect day! But why do I feel this nagging sense there's something missing? Why does it feel like there are three or four pieces to life's mysterious puzzle that are missing? Like, did someone throw those pieces away when they were cleaning up the house and they'd complained AGAIN to the deaf ears that if the pieces didn't all get put back together and put away, they'd not be responsible for what happened? Why does it feel like that?"
But I bet it's all the stuff about me you don't know that has you all in a funk today (play along, k? I'm easily amused and this simply makes me smile like a child who doesn't know any better). So here's your chance. You can toss off a comment and include any random question you like and I'll do my best to answer throughout the day. I know it's compelling, but don't ask to see the kick ass rack, because it's currently in rehab and isn't taking any visitors at the moment. Same with my ass. It did try to visit the rack and the staff at the rehab place thought it was looking a little shaky and weird, so they pulled it in for a 72 hour observation.
Break out with the questions. Pretty soon, you may have all those missing puzzle pieces and that "all is right with the world" feeling will be in place. Or you just really got a good night's sleep and in all honesty, you're just not that curious about me, in which case I'm now jealous about the sleep and a little bit despondant that you don't dig me the way I dig you. Geez. I thought we meant something to each other.
Oh, now you're gonna sweet talk me! Was it the fake and yet seemingly sincere tears that worked for you? Nice. That's a little move I picked up from my well crafted time spent watching bad reality television. Still doesn't mean you're gonna get to see the rack, though. Nice try.
Really, I just like talking about me, so this is a post that lets me do that (um, yeah, I do know that's what a blog is about, too, but follow my lead...). In the end, you know, we all win.
(Oh, and best part of all this? You don't have to listen to me giggling to get my answers!)
Labels: as a matter of fact my ego isn't as large as my kick ass rack
I can't say I'm a fan of roller coasters, but I imagine the best thing about them is that moment atop the first peak when you seem to hang for a few seconds and anticipate the massive adrenaline rush you'll be flooded when your body is finally plunged into a screaming descent that has you begging to ride again as soon as it's over.
Labels: I wish you could swim like dolphins Like dolpins can swim
Now it's your turn to witter. Tell me a few things you learned this week in the comments below, then together we can pool this brain trust together and take over the world. Or at least a small section of the Midwest. We should start small, after all. Not appear too greedy.
Labels: so not kidding about the population of the world; interesting that they're most often dick thinkers, too
"Screws fall out all the time. The world is an imperfect place."
And seriously, I'm not kidding about those John Benders. Even if they lean in and whisper, "Wouldn't I be OUTSTANDING in that capacity?" Just run across the football field, far away from them!Labels: the bartender says "I guess you won't be needing that drink"'
Things that I just don't get:
Well, I actually do get a couple things. First, how to survive the wild. Bear always suggests looking for a river or stream and following it down, covering your head to keep your body cool (and look hella hot at the same time!), and just accepting the fact you will cringe when forced to drink your own pee. These are all reasons why I rarely leave my house. Additionally, it means I don’t have to charm people with the cocktail party knowledge I have that, pound for pound, termites have more protein than beef or fish.
Second, picture puzzles. I do actually get them. Well played. Clever.
So tell me, what do you not get? Saying “you” and pointing to your computer monitor and shaking your finger at that tiny image of me up there to the left doesn’t count, for it’s really just a given that you wouldn’t “get” me. Because seriously, I’m writing about pepper jack cheese, after all. I don’t get myself a majority of the time.
(edit - for the benefit of Mr. Kite, please leave your comments to this post below the Phil Collins' clip please. For one, that's where I'd like them because it gives me another chance to listen to this song and remember why I need to, and second, I do so wish to hear from you. Yeah, you, too, even, because every word is scintillating. I mean that...yep...).